That Space Between Articles And Books

Here’s what Kindle Singles actually are: probably the best reason to buy an e-reader in the first place. They’re works of long-form journalism that seek out that sweet spot between magazine articles and hardcover books. Amazon calls them “compelling ideas expressed at their natural length.” If I didn’t loathe the word “compelling,” I’d think that wasn’t a half-bad slogan.

London’s Floating Bookshop

“We’re not aiming at what people want, we’re trying to make people want what we give them, and business is going very well – we are exceeding our projections quite significantly. This is a bookshop where you are taken on a journey down the shelves and keep bumping into things that you otherwise wouldn’t have.”

Netherlands Dance Theatre, Post-Jiri Kylian

“Under Mr. Kylian’s 24-year directorship, the company acquired international fame for the resonance and beauty of its dancing … But Mr. Kylian stepped down as artistic director in 1999. In marketing-speak, Nederlands Dans Theater has a branding problem: How to reconstruct its identity while remaining faithful to the heritage of Mr. Kylian’s work.”