Here’s What Happens When A Philosopher Watches Too Much Reality TV

“I just had a dream the other night that, as a public philosopher, I was hosting a new show. Then, I realized that if it was a hit, I could have a huge new empire of reality TV shows on my hands. Here’s what I mean.” Tom Morris pitches his ideas for The Real Philosophers of Boston, Semantic Survivor: Plato’s Cave Version, and Top Sage, among other shows.

Sherlock Holmes Copyright Lawsuit Throws Fans Into Turmoil

When the Baker Street Irregulars, an invitation-only literary club, gathered for their annual weekend in New York in January, few had any inkling they would soon be embroiled in a distinctly 21st-century case that might be called “The Adventure of the Social Media-Driven Copyright Debate, With Annotations on Sherlockian Sexism and the True Nature of Literary Devotion.”

British Authors Back Drive For Libel Law Reform

“Some of the Britain’s most acclaimed authors and playwrights including Stephen Fry, Sir Tom Stoppard, William Boyd, Margaret Drabble, Ian McEwan and Sir Salman Rushdie have called on the main party leaders to honour their pledge and implement a defamation bill aimed at transforming 170-year-old laws they say have silenced scientists and authors as well as journalists and activists.”