Fire Destroys Naples’s Great Science Museum Complex; Arson Suspected

“Where there was once a 12,000-square-metre festival of science, nothing is left – only a trail of ashes through the sky. The Città della Scienza – the City of Science – a huge science education initiative in Naples, Italy, has been destroyed by fire. Among the losses are all the hands-on interactive experiments that drew 350,000 visitors each year to the site.” Early reports suggest arson by the Camorra.

Still Abiding After 15 Years: The Laid-Back World Of Big Lebowski Worship

“Over the last 15 years, the Coen brothers’ oddball noir-Western-surrealist comedy about one man’s complicated quest to get his rug replaced after a mistaken hitman pees on it hasn’t just become a cult classic – it’s become something closer to an actual cult. Not only has it launched at least one known, priest-ordaining faith; it’s also become a field of study for religion and mythology scholars, too.”