One Year After Being Bombed, Cairo’s Museum Of Islamic Art Is Still A Hollowed-Out Shell

“Nowhere has this glacial pace of government administration been more keenly exhibited than in the authorities’ clumsy efforts to reboot the museum. From frequent delays in kick-starting construction, to the events immediately following the attack, the restoration has become mired in confusion, red tape, and allegations of corruption.”

The Ballet Dancers Were Born After Balanchine Died, But They Try To Keep His Flame Alive

“Balanchine knew how quickly his ballerinas could lose details he taught. He used to tell them, ‘If I go away for a weekend, and I come back, I see the difference. If I’m away for two weeks, other people start to see it. If I’m away for a month, everybody sees it.’
“‘And so – it’s been more than 30 years,” Ashley said.”