Claim: Livestreaming Arts Performances Is Diversifying Audiences

As a result, audiences have engaged with art forms often considered ‘elitist’ by some individuals, such as opera or ballet.  “It’s vital that people feel that the arts are for them – given all the benefits they can bring to our emotional and social wellbeing – and if we can help break down some of those barriers by the range of films we show in cinemas, then we’re delighted.”

Report: Here’s What The Current $45 Billion Art Market Looks Like

The report paints a picture of “a stable and resilient market, experiencing positive growth.” However, sales are moving away from the auction houses to the private sector, both to private sales by auction houses and to dealers. In 2016, public auction sales of works of art, high-end jewelry, and decorative arts, reached $16.9 billion globally, a drop from $20.8 billion in 2015.

It’s Utterly Ridiculous, From A Talent Point Of View, That We Don’t Have More Women Composers

The executive of the national charity for new music in the UK says, “Working with a more representative group of composers leads to a more thrilling variety of new music, more artistic innovation and also, perhaps, a positive and constructive challenge to an industry that can sometimes fall back on traditional ideas of what, or rather who, constitutes a composer.”