Artist Carolee Schneemann Dead At 79

“Over the course of Schneemann’s multifarious 60-year career, her art came to form the bedrock of radical traditions like performance art and body art, even while she insisted on identifying herself all the while with a traditional label. ‘I’m a painter,’ she said in 1993. ‘I’m still a painter and I will die a painter. Everything that I have developed has to do with extending visual principles off the canvas.'” – ARTnews

The Utility (And Importance) Of Cliches

While we tend to condemn clichés harshly, the scholar of rhetoric Ruth Amossy at Tel Aviv University has shown that they’re in fact crucial to the way we bond with and read other human beings. ‘How have you been?’ – ‘Not bad at all!’: in our daily interactions, clichés represent a communicative common ground, by avoiding the need to question or establish the premises of speech. They are a kind of a shared mental algorithm that facilitates efficient interaction and reaffirms social relationships. – Aeon

Edinburgh Fringe Performers Earn Average Of $514 For 40 Days: Study

“Edinburgh Fringe theatremakers earned an average of just £392.15 for their work at the 2018 festival, covering a period of as much as 40 days, with fair-pay campaigners branding the figures ‘shocking’. New research reveals that 38% of those surveyed were completely unpaid, with the average payment for those who did receive money standing at £637.25.” (That’s $835.99, or just under $21 a day for 40 days.) – The Stage