How Writers Work An Idea On The Page

“What does an artist do, mostly? She tweaks that which she’s already done. There are those moments when we sit before a blank page, but mostly we’re adjusting that which is already there. The writer revises, the painter touches up, the director edits, the musician overdubs.”

Signs That Picasso You Bought On TV Isn’t Right

“When the winning bidders received their authenticated artwork in the post, they realised that something was not right. Often the expensive artworks were sent uninsured by the dealers. Some of them arrived bent out of shape or with staples through them. Others appeared to be expensive photocopies, executed on ordinary copy paper. And while many of the artworks were signed, as promised by the auctioneers, they were not signed by the artists.”

Granta’s Best Young Writers Get Younger

Granta has made another list of Best Young Writers. This time young means under 35. “It used to be 40. That was one of the great perks of being a writer. You could stay young until 40: it was official; Granta said so. How we writers enjoyed mocking gymnasts – yes, you can do bendy things and win gold medals at the Olympics, but by 17 you’re already old.”

Poetry And The Arab Princes

In the United Arab Emirates, poetry – along with falconry and horsemanship – is the pinnacle of manly achievement. Even the hard-headed ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, has a website featuring his verses and declaring that ‘poetry has allowed Sheikh Mohammed to express the creative, sensitive side of his nature that he has little chance to display in the political arena’. As a hobby of princes, it is an accordingly lucrative business.”

The End Of Internet Music Streaming?

“In a ruling made public Tuesday, the Copyright Royalty Board significantly increased the royalties paid to musicians and record labels for streaming digital songs online. The decision also ended a discounted fee for small Internet broadcasters. Broadcast radio stations that also stream their programs online, such as KCRW in Santa Monica, said they might have to scale back on webcasting, and operators of Internet-only radio stations said the new fees would probably force them to go silent.”