Ramping Up The Fight Against Rare Book Theft

Stealing pages from antique books – and even carrying off entire volumes – is all too easy and all too difficult to catch. And until recently, when thieves were apprehended, libraries tried to keep the incidents quiet. Now the British Library is leading a trend to deal with such crimes and criminals more publicly. (Article includes The Six Stages Of Stealing.)

Alvin Klein, Theatre Critic For NY Times And WNYC, Dies At 73

“Mr. Klein covered theater for the New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island and Westchester County sections of The Times from the late 1970s until September 2004, writing nearly 3,500 reviews and features. […] He reviewed many world premieres at leading regional stages like the McCarter Theater in Princeton, N.J., and the Long Wharf and Yale Repertory theaters in New Haven.”

History In The Making In Seattle?

The Cameroon-born choreographer Merlin Nyakam and his Compagnie La Calebasse, which “does more than just meld African dance vocabulary with European-style scenic clarity and phrasing,” is making its U.S. debut this weekend. The Seattle Times‘s critic says that “Seattle audiences have a rare chance to gaze into a crystal ball this weekend and glimpse a future world choreographic master.”