George Lucas Proposes New Museum For San Francisco

“The filmmaker said he has long sought to showcase his collection of 150 years of populist art, which includes illustrations by Norman Rockwell and Maxfield Parrish, comics and digital technology. Lucas, 69, said he doesn’t have enough wall space at his 6,000-acre Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, so he wants to invest up to $300 million of his own money to build the museum.”

Bolshoi Attack Mastermind: I Didn’t Mean For Them To Use Acid!

“Bolshoi soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko told a Moscow court that he had complained about ballet chief Sergei Filin to an acquaintance, who offered to ‘beat him up’. ‘It’s not true that I ordered him to throw acid at Filin,’ Dmitrichenko told the court … The 29-year-old dancer said he did not intend for the attack to cause such bodily harm.”