Nietzsche And Climate-Change Denial

Andrew O’Hehir: “The philosopher gave himself credit for being the first modern thinker to tackle ‘the problem of science itself,’ for presenting ‘science for the first time as problematic and questionable.’ Dude! If the perverse German genius could only have known how far ‘the problem of science’ would extend in our age, or to what ends his critique of Socratic reason would be twisted.”

How Black Comics Take On Unmentionable Subjects (Like ‘Drunk Mandela’) In South Africa

“The topics of the day were listed on a white board: ‘Je Suis Charlie’; the governing African National Congress party’s convention in Cape Town; results of the nationwide matric exams, South Africa’s equivalent to the SAT. But the crew remained stuck on the Paris killings, in an animated back and forth about free speech.”