On Whose Authority? Finding A Critical Voice

“Is it possible to write criticism—or even to write critically—while at the same time refusing the critic’s authority? Can a work be coherent, meaningful, and precise without its author dressing it as a piece of art criticism—or as an interview, a short story, a book of photos, a psychoanalytic case study, an autobiography?”

Watching A Violinist’s Brain At Work

“Laying motionless on her back in the MRI machine while her brain activity was being measured, [Jennifer] Koh was asked to imagine playing a series of classical works for solo violin by Paganini and Bach, to listen to them, or to read their musical scores. [Dr.] Overath then studied how Koh’s brain reacted to each.”

Director Of The Hermitage Wants To Rebuild Palmyra

“Mikhail Piotrovsky, the director of the State Hermitage Museum [in St. Petersburg], says that … his museum can help to rebuild the ancient city. … The Hermitage is working with its peers – informally, for now – to gather photographs, engravings and other archival documents that capture the ancient city from every possible angle.”