Applications To Music Schools Soar

“Applications are soaring at music schools across the country, often mirroring the overall rise in college enrollment but in many cases surpassing the interest in other disciplines. Never mind that the chances of landing a paying job in a decent-size symphony orchestra have diminished, with many ensembles going out of business in recent years. Never mind that jazz clubs are becoming an endangered species.”

Benjamin Zander, Classical Music’s Crusading Evangelist

“On the podium and in preconcert talks and classroom lectures, he is an indefatigable advocate for the idea that anyone can appreciate classical music, and that appreciation can always be taken to a deeper level. His drive has extended into a busy side career giving leadership talks to corporations as well as a co-authored book, The Art of Possibility.”

Artist Gets A Career In Virtual Second Life

“If the traditional art market is driven by scarcity — with value bestowed upon rare and finite works created by an anointed few — it may be vulnerable to people like Jeffrey Lipsky, who capitalize on technology’s propensity for abundance, even if this means spending inglorious hours walking around virtual nightclubs, typing, “Hi, I’m Filthy Fluno and I’m an artist,” to strangers, and being willing, as Lipsky is, to sell multiple inkjet copies of his work to those customers who will pay $50 as opposed to the $500-$15,000 he charges for originals.”

The Art Of Of Whisperer-ing

If there’s a job title of the decade, “whisperer” has to be a contender. More than a decade after “The Horse Whisperer” appeared on movie screens, and four years after the debuts of “The Dog Whisperer” and “The Ghost Whisperer” on TV, “whispering” is still gaining steam among a huge range of consultants and instructors who promise subtle yet authoritative transformation in pretty much every aspect of life.