How Our Attention Is Being Stolen From Us

“Attention is a resource; a person has only so much of it. And yet we’ve auctioned off more and more of our public space to private commercial interests, with their constant demands on us to look at the products on display or simply absorb some bit of corporate messaging. Lately, our self-appointed disrupters have opened up a new frontier of capitalism, complete with its own frontier ethic: to boldly dig up and monetize every bit of private head space by appropriating our collective attention.”

Philadelphia’s Prince Music Theater Saved

“Coming to a choice parcel on Chestnut Street just west of Broad: neither a chic new condominium nor another drugstore. The Prince Music Theater isn’t going anywhere. The defunct theater in the center of town was sold Thursday to the Philadelphia Film Society – a transaction that not only gives the film group a new home, but also preserves the hall’s role for arts groups that cannot afford pricier venues like the Kimmel Center.”

Who Stole (And Then Returned) An Oscar Murillo Painting From The Floor Of MoMA?

“Doyle said that the painting was unharmed, adding that ‘no action such as an arrest was taken.’ The painting was returned to the floor of the gallery, where, she said, ‘the museum will assure that there is the appropriate level of security in the exhibition.’ She did not say how the museum was able to identify the person who took the work, describing that as a ‘security matter.'”

The Brooklyn Filmmaker Who Says There’s Room For More Than Just Lena Dunham At The Table

Desiree Akhavan: “I don’t see my male counterparts written about in the same way, as being the new Woody Allen, or the new Noah Baumbach, or Todd Solondz. I think the implication is that there is a limited amount of space for an intelligent, funny woman and right now it’s Lena Dunham. You can hang out, but the space has been occupied. But there is an infinite pool for men to play in.”