Mexican Cinema And TV Have A Long History Of Making Fun Of Indigenous People

Last week’s utter foolishness over Oscar-nominated Roma star Yalitza Aparicio (Yeka Rosales, a TV personality for the Mexican-based Televisa network wore a prosthetic nose and thick lips to make fun of Aparicio) isn’t new to Mexico. In fact, one professor says the mocking of indigenous peoples is “as old as film” – Los Angeles Times

Artists In Argentina Join Protest On International Women’s Day

Violence against women and girls, and lack of access to abortion services, led the list of things activists and artists were protesting. The artists – a group known as Nosotras Proponemos – focused on inequalities in the arts last year, but this year widened their focus to safety for women and girls in Argentina. They created a huge green braid to snake through the protests as they were “singing joyfully, hoping for ‘the patriarchy to go down and Latin America to be feminist.'” – Hyperallergic

The Next Big Tech Battle Will Be Between Apple And Facebook

And it will be about messaging. For more than a decade, they didn’t compete: “People bought iPhones, downloaded Facebook and Instagram, and spent large chunks of time on those social networks, while using Apple’s native apps for calling and texting. Facebook made money from the targeted ads in people’s feeds. Apple made money on the hardware, while its software kept users loyal.” – Slate

The Music For ‘Captain Marvel’ Is Also Woman-Composed And Led

Pinar Toprak was the first woman to score a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, a brass ring that she won after an extraordinary effort: “I went and hired a 70-piece orchestra and did a big production of it so that they could see me in front of the orchestra conducting, and I did another video inside my studio where I talked about the character and the theme.” – Vulture

A Firm Argument Against Meritocracy

Although widely held, the belief that merit rather than luck determines success or failure in the world is demonstrably false. This is not least because merit itself is, in large part, the result of luck. Talent and the capacity for determined effort, sometimes called ‘grit’, depend a great deal on one’s genetic endowments and upbringing. – Aeon

That Caravaggio Found In The Attic Is Being Handled With Unusual Honesty

There has been plenty of disagreement about whether the painting of Judith beheading Holofernes that turned up in Toulouse in 2016 is an original Caravaggio or a copy. But the people selling it are doing the right things: allowing every scholar that wants examine it access, being generous with shows to the public, and leaving the sale to the auctioneer that found it rather than passing it to Sotheby’s or Christie’s. If only this sort of behavior weren’t so rare. – Apollo