“The paintings are the work of Arthur Pinajian, a reclusive artist whom the art world had not known much about. Now, 14 years after his death, he has fans who mention him in the same sentence as Gauguin and Cézanne.”
Tag: 03.09.13
Acting In The Shadow Of Audrey Hepburn (Not To Mention Game Of Thrones)
“I’ve never seen her daunted. She’s so tiny and exquisite and ebullient. She gives off a sense of being unlike other people. There’s only one of her.”
Is This The Best We Can Do With The Internet?
“A future of frictionless, continuous shopping fits with Google’s vision for a world where we no longer need to search for anything, since we ourselves are perpetually monitored, with the relevant product or information sent to us based on perceived need.”
Yep, Even Literary Authors Are Now Embracing Ebooks
“There is no reason to think the printed book will be the defining literary format. I don’t want to be cautious any more. This is about changing the fundamentals. The worst that can happen is that it won’t work.”
LACMA Takeover Of MoCA Is A Good Business Deal
“If you were a wealthy major art collector, and for the price of one classic Jackson Pollock drip-painting or Andy Warhol’s 1963 silk-screen ‘Eight Elvises’ you could acquire a few billion dollars worth of art, including scores of incomparable and irreplaceable masterpieces, would you work to make the deal happen? Of course you would. And so would the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.”
Making Music Work For A Deaf Audience
The sound box: “It was a buzz. It was vibrating, but I felt that when we were actually part of the orchestra, that was enhanced. And it was a weird, odd, fantastic and new experience.”
Vienna Philharmonic Will Publish Details Of Nazi Past
Historians commissioned by the Vienna Phil “are expected to reveal details of 13 musicians said to have been driven out of the orchestra because of their Jewish origins or their stance on Germany’s annexation of Austria. Five of the musicians died in concentration camps.”