Grateful Playwrights Give Farewell Salute To Royal Court’s Dominic Cooke

“There are too many playwrights to squeeze comfortably into a single photograph but we have invited 11 – a dramaturg’s dozen – to come and say goodbye. And it turns out that every one of them, with the exception of Bruce Norris (who is from Chicago), attended the Royal Court’s young writers programme or has had work showcased in the young writers festival.”

Benjamin Britten Didn’t Want To Do Young Boys, He Wanted To Be Them

Paul Griffiths: “Meanwhile, the tide of performances and critical studies goes on confirming how deeply his music was affected by his irresoluble personal quandary: the wish to be forever a boy among boys. … Britten’s desire for youth and innocence, to possess them not sexually but in his own being, became, though impossible in life, the source of an abundant creativity.”

The Tradition Of Defining The Black Theatre Tradition

“In every generation young producers and artists seem to find a way to launch new initiatives that build access and support for artists of color, either on their own accord or within ‘mainstream’ institutions. The warning from this quick stroll through history is to stay clear of absolutes, for in each debate or conflict great contradictions arise.”