The Sad Final Days Of Marvel Comics Genius Stan Lee

Seven months after the death of Joan, his wife of almost 70 years, beset with pneumonia, the apparent victim of gross financial malfeasance and surrounded by a panoply of Hollywood charlatans and mountebanks, he may be facing his greatest challenge, every bit the equal of any of the psychologically flawed superheroes he helped shepherd into being. According to one insider with working knowledge of Lee’s current situation, “It’s a real fucking mess over there. I think his money will be gone in a few weeks… Stan and [his daughter] JC are literally being picked apart by vultures.”

West Virginia Legislators Vote To Eliminate Arts & Education Secretrary

Among other provisions, the bill would eliminate the position of state secretary for Education and the Arts, which is currently held by Gayle Manchin, wife of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). The bill passed the state House by a vote of 60-36, with Democrats opposing the plan that they say will destroy public funding for the arts in the state. “This is going to destroy arts in West Virginia,” Del. Larry Rowe (D) said. “Always, always the first thing to be cut is the arts.”

The Dying Oscars? Who Cares?

They need to allow their audience to narrow to those folks who actually care about movies, and stop trying to appease the viewers who only tune in when massive hits they’ve already bought and paid for are nominated. They also need not to worry about impressing the cinephiles and auteurs and other people who use French words to sound smart, because those people will always find something to scoff at and they won’t buy tickets to “The Post” anyway. Essentially, Oscar needs to just do Oscar and things will probably end up just fine.

Singer Lorna Luft Diagnosed With Brain Tumor

The 65-year-old member of show-business royalty – she’s the daughter of Judy Garland and the half-sister of Liza Minnelli – was performing at a London jazz club when she started forgetting her patter and the lyrics to her songs. Shortly after the show ended, she collapsed backstage and was taken to a hospital, where the initial diagnosis was made.

A New, And Much More Hopeful, Genre Is Emerging: Solarpunk

Instead, of, say, No Country for Old Men, this genre pulls from a different strand of thought. “Solarpunk prioritizes hope and resilience in the face of the climate crisis. The stories in each collection are typically set in futures where solar energy takes center stage. Many are utopian. Others are post-apocalyptic, and these articulate a Solarpunk attitude in their portrayals of humanity’s battle to renew the Earth.”

Nicholas Hytner Is Wrong About Quotas For Theatre, And He Probably Knows It

The first season of his new company is all white men, and last week, the former director of the National Theatre got mad at those who suggested it should be more diverse – and of course the hit out at quotas. But, says one theatre scholar, Quotas are not about “compromising quality. We are not virtue signalling, ticking boxes, doing fiddly, pointless maths. We are recognizing that centuries of bias have just made it easier to see the worth in the work of white men and have given them readier access to the qualifications and awards and opportunities that serve as shorthand for skill. We are saying that since everyone says they’re committed to diversity but it still isn’t happening, maybe we need some simple rubrics to hold everyone accountable.”

The Sackler Family – The Ones Who Gave Us OxyContin – Are Targets Of Protest At The Met

Led by photographer Nan Goldin, who was addicted to OxyContin for three years, “protesters brandished black banners with the phrases ‘Shame on Sackler’ and ‘Fund Rehab’ and hurled yellow pill bottles with white labels that read ‘OxyContin’ and ‘prescribed to you by the Sacklers’ into the wing’s reflecting pool.”

Major High School Theatre Drama Erupts Into A School Board Meeting

Whew, what? The theatre teacher was fired after he made fake Facebook profiles to try to get into Facebook groups where parents – whose kids apparently weren’t even into, or in, theatre – were possibly maligning him. That came when the school was in the middle of rehearsals for As You Like It – so the teacher’s wife carried on as director. And the kids are very, verrrrrrry unhappy with their school. “This issue became all consuming. Some kids weren’t coming to school. There were arguments, and it was distracting from their learning, it was very disruptive.”

A Nun Pleads One Last Time For Katy Perry Not To Buy An Abandoned Convent, And Then Dies

“‘Katy Perry, please stop,’ [Sister Catherine Rose Holzman] said on Fox 11 in Los Angeles. Please stop trying to buy the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s convent, even though the nuns had gone to court to block the sale. ‘It’s not doing anyone any good,’ Holzman said, then walked into a courtroom, collapsed and died.”