Lucie Brock-Broido, Who Walked Out Of Algebra Class And Into A Life Of Poetry, Has Died At Age 61

The poet won praise everywhere. “Stanley Kunitz once praised her ‘brilliant nervosity’ and ‘taste for the fantastic.’ Tracy K. Smith, the current United States poet laureate, who was a student of Ms. Brock-Broido’s at Columbia University, said in a telephone interview, ‘She was just a full-force, wonderful presence of creativity, magic, belief and reverence for poetry.’ Ms. Brock-Broido called her style something simpler: ‘feral.'”

The Author Of A New, Very Hyped Fantasy Novel Says She Wrote It To Help The Genre Be A Little Less White

Tomi Adeyemi was inspired to write the young adult fantasy book while she was in a gift shop in Brazil. “The African gods and goddesses were depicted in such a beautiful and sacred way … it really made me think about all the beautiful images we never see featuring black people,” she says. So she created a book with those images, not just for her younger self but also to correct fantasy’s imbalance.

Turning Mass Evictions Into Act

The forced demolitions of thousands of migrants workers’ homes isn’t a quiet process in China. The artists are making sure of that. “Musicians are performing rap songs that take aim at overzealous bureaucrats. Poets are condemning apathy and inequality in society. Painters are using scenes of devastation to denounce the harsh treatment of struggling families.”

Taking Museums To Outer – Or Inner – Space

Virtual reality museums are almost too real – and new tools to make the art look 3D, plus some collectors eager to share their own work with people at a great remove, mean that anyone with a smartphone and a headset can have a pretty strong encounter the art. Also: “You never have to think about security, insurance or transport fees or any of that. No plumbing or building codes.”