We’re Trying To Teach People That Failure Is Just An Opportunity To Improve. But What If It Isn’t?

According to the theory, if students believe that their ability is fixed, they will not want to do anything to reveal that, so a major focus of the growth mindset in schools is shifting students away from seeing failure as an indication of their ability, to seeing failure as a chance to improve that ability. As Jeff Howard noted almost 30 years ago: ‘Smart is not something that you just are, smart is something that you can get.’ – Aeon

George Stade, Literary Scholar And Satirical Novelist, Dead At 85

“[He was] a Columbia University literary scholar who became an early champion of ‘popular’ fiction within the academy and worked as a critic, editor and novelist, most notably with the grisly satire Confessions of a Lady-Killer … But he was probably best known for helping to spearhead the study of popular fiction in the classroom, and for his frequent — and frequently acerbic — reviews and essays on contemporary literature.” – The Washington Post

The Rebirth Of British And Irish Political Folk Music

It’s Brexit Week (or maybe it isn’t; find out as the week goes on), so here are some artists to help add music to politics: “We could call this explosion ‘woke’ folk – though there’s much more to this disparate collection of acts than a slogan. … They sing in recognisable voices, without varnish and sheen, delivering messages straight and sure about who we were, and who we are now.” – The Observer (UK)