The Age Of Public Shaming

“We are seeing “a great renaissance of public shaming”. Social media, and Twitter in particular, has evolved into a rolling witch-hunt where reputations are smashed irreparably as the result of one ill-judged tweet or Facebook post. In extreme cases, a transgressor’s online identity never recovers: they bear the modern equivalent of being branded on the forehead.”

The Intense – And Rapidly Growing – World Of Fanfiction

“It’s only a matter of time before a writer that the literary-fiction crowd acknowledges as one of its own emerges from such fertile ground. In fact, given that most fic writers are pseudonymous, it’s quite possible that one already has and that the talent responsible for a first novel well reviewed by the New York Times is also tinkering with Sherlock ‘shipping.'”

Cuban Dance Is About To Change – A Lot

“With the reduction in foreign subsidies and the increase in actual trade, … Cuban dance is going to become something different. It is likely that things will start stirring not at the most privileged level, ballet, or at the humblest, such as Rumba Saturdays, but in the middle, in modern dance.”

What Are We Really Losing As The Sheet Music Business Dies?

“There are a few publishers that understand the problem and are adjusting in the way that recording companies adjusted to the MP3 revolution. The problem is that many of them are trying to cling to their old models as they see their income dwindling. This is a tragedy because no one will produce this high-quality type of musical research that their editions will produce.”