‘Makerspaces’ And ‘Fab Labs’ At Public Libraries Offer Tools, Materials, 3-D Printers

“We saw the laser scanner and the laser cutter, which can etch metals, or cut cardboard, wood, paper, and even pumpkins, one of which Adam passed around. There was a wire bender, named Fender Bender Rodriguez. There was a milling machine that can make prototypes of wood or plastics or even soft aluminum.” Not to mention 3-D printers named Kevin Spacey, Johnny Pie, and Maria the Metropolis.

Here’s Where Opera Is Thriving

“The companies are all flexible in terms of venue and budget, and bring the audience much closer to the art form than most forms of traditional opera presented in theaters with thousands of seats. They all offer extremely affordable ticket options combined with well curated interesting programming.”

Can Netflix (And Other Streaming Services) Bring About Pay Equality?

“Millennials, as a charming side effect of their wondrous sense of entitlement, don’t take any shit. Secondly, the future of the entertainment industry clearly lies in streaming, and real-time metrics do not lie. This will not just affect women, but people of color, gender-identity, and age. There won’t be any arguing with the amount the public loves and appreciates THEIR people and THEIR shows and THEIR movies.”