In Bad Economy, Is Ethos Of Art Institute School At Risk?

“When ‘Duke’ Wellington Reiter rode into town last August, to take the reins at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, some of the locals got a little nervous. … The scent of change was in the air.” Now Reiter has called a school-wide meeting, and some wonder “whether the projected financial crunch will become an excuse for altering the distinctive character of the school, which is known for its broad curriculum and its proud aversion to anything as restrictive and reductive as majors and grades.”

Gergiev – The Condctor, The Music, The Politics

Valery Gergiev’s “insertion of music into the Russian political context followed in a long tradition. But whatever you make of the politics, the performance was also characteristically Gergievian in its drive to burst through the prissy, buttoned-up corsets that bind classical music, with the aim of releasing a dangerous vitality. In that way, too, Gergiev is very Russian.”