Sergei Filin Says Accused Acid Attacker Repeatedly Threatened Him

Yet the injured Bolshoi Ballet artistic director echoed his boss, general director Anatoly Iksanov, in suggesting that the attack had another mastermind: “It appears that someone had worked really well on that and pushed him into doing it, since every time, every moment, my every meeting with Pavel Dmitrichenko meant another threat, another show of dislike.”

Australian Government Proposes Controversial Media Reforms

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy [unveiled] Labor’s long-awaited media reform package, which includes a public interest test for media mergers and a toughened self-regulation system for print and online news media. … It would be backed by a public interest media advocate, which would rule on proposed media mergers and oversee the operation of the Australian Press Council in enforcing media standards.”

The End Of The Car?

“New automobile registrations have plateaued in the U.S, even as the population has continued to grow. Rising gas prices have made some housing patterns predicated on the car unsustainable. Twentysomethings are now less likely to own cars and say they’re less enamored of them.”