Director Of MOCA In L.A. Fires Chief Curator

“Helen Molesworth, the chief curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art whose exhibitions have included the critically acclaimed 2017 Kerry James Marshall retrospective that was also a rare popular hit, has been fired, according to sources close to the museum. … [MOCA board member Catherine] Opie said she called [director Philippe] Vergne after receiving the surprise [news] and was told that Molesworth had not written a letter of resignation but was terminated for ‘undermining the museum.'”

After Levine, Time To Rethink The Maestro Myth?

Zachary Woolfe: “The centrality afforded to conductors makes them appear indispensable. It inclines institutions to look past obvious problems and try their best to make their relationships with their maestros work, at most any financial or moral cost. The way some conductors have abused their power — Charles Dutoit, like Mr. Levine, has recently been felled amid numerous accusations of sexual misconduct — is a function of being granted so much power in the first place.”

Four Women Accuse Star Architect Richard Meier Of Sexual Harassment

Two of the women have described incidents over the past 10 years in which they were sent to Mr. Meier’s New York apartment, where he exposed himself, according to interviews with one of the women and several former employees of the firm. A third woman said in an interview that Mr. Meier grabbed her underwear through her dress at a firm holiday party, and a fourth said he asked her to undress at his apartment so she could be photographed.

Victim Of Success: HBO Faces Big Budget Crunch

HBO Programming President Casey Bloys warned of the growing cost of high-end drama. “As a show goes on they get more expensive and as shows get more ambitious they will get more expensive. More money doesn’t always equal better but in some cases the scope of ideas do require it,” he said. HBO is currently developing between three and five spin-offs of Game of Thrones and Orsi admitted that it was facing a budget “conundrum” if it goes forward with any of these.

New Film About Anders Behring Breivik Murders Has Norwegians Asking, ‘Too Soon?’

More than six years after the right-wing extremist set off a car bomb in Oslo that killed eight people and shot 69 more to death at a summer youth camp, “[Erik] Poppe, one of Norway’s best-known directors, has channeled his outrage into a film, U – July 22, the first cinematic depiction of the attack. The movie, which opened in Norway on Friday, has prompted a wider debate about the ethics of fictionalizing the traumatic event.”

Long List Of Questions For The Met Opera About James Levine

Justin Davidson: “These questions matter because the company’s future depends on its prestige and the goodwill of all those who buy tickets, perform there, or give it money. The company and its chief conductor were intertwined for decades, and each boosted the glory of the other. It’s simply not enough for the Met to say, We didn’t know! But, hey, it’s cool now: James Levine doesn’t work here anymore, and leave it at that.”