Family Therapy, Live On Stage

“There was a time when theatre artists who had unresolved issues with their parents would turn them into lightly fictionalized characters in a play – and then tear them apart by proxy. Now, as part of our new ‘reality culture,’ more and more performers are dragging their real-life parents up on stage to air their dirty laundry in public – and allowing the older generation to return fire.”

As UAE Tries To Become Cultural Hub, Concerns About (Self-)Censorship

“The U.A.E. aspires to be an art and cultural center. While the federation of Gulf sheikdoms is relatively open and tolerant, its ruling establishments are concerned about the political turmoil in other Arab countries and are also wary of art containing graphic images or anything else that might offend conservative Gulf sensibilities.”

Edward Watson On Dancing The Role Of A Cockroach

“The first thing I had to do when we were creating the piece was not to think like a human. If I wanted to pick something up, I would normally do it with my hands, so I had to try to do it with my feet or teeth. It was basically tying myself in knots and then trying to move – and sometimes I tied myself up in so many knots that I actually couldn’t move.”

Accusations Of Financial Crimes Shake Cy Twombly Foundation

The organization “is now in turmoil amid accusations, detailed in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday in Delaware state court, that one of the four people who run it took more than $300,000 in unauthorized fees for investment services and was assisted in misappropriating the money by another foundation director, Ralph E. Lerner, a well-known art-world lawyer.”