Oxford Prof Accuses Former Student Of Theft For Jane Austen Bio

Her publishers have described it as “the first book about Jane Austen to dissect the industry around her”, hailing it as “a completely original approach to one of Britain’s most enduring popular novelists” Yet according to Prof Sutherland, far from breaking new ground, Jane’s Fame is in fact similar to an academic study, Jane Austen’s Textual Lives, from Aeschylus to Bollywood, that she published in 2005 after 10 years of research.

Boot Camp Dance

For Ethan Stiefel training is about “more than perfecting steps or even transcending the limits of the human body. At the school he has formulated a set of eight initiatives. Inspired by the principles of many martial arts, the list concludes, ‘We will work toward becoming great dancers, while understanding that being a good person is the true goal’.”

Setting Goals – A Recipe For Failure?

“Among psychologists, the link between setting goals and achievement is one of the clearest there is, with studies on everyone from woodworkers to CEOs showing that we concentrate better, work longer, and do more if we set specific, measurable goals for ourselves. But a few management scholars are now looking deeper into the effects of goals, and finding that goals have a dangerous side.”