Saudi Developers Destroy Portions Of Mecca’s Grand Mosque

“Photographs obtained by The Independent reveal how workers with drills and mechanical diggers have started demolishing some Ottoman and Abbasid sections on the eastern side of the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. … One column which is believed to have been ripped down is supposed to mark the spot where Muslims believe Muhammad began his heavenly journey on a winged horse.”

My Book Cracked The Amazon Bestseller List – So Why Didn’t I Make More Money?

“In the end, I bought my wife a pretty dress to say thank you for putting up with me and my fiscally idiotic quest to write books. I also did the most rock star thing imaginable for a stay-at-home-dad/recipient-of-a-famous-cease-and-desist: I used the money to send my kid to daycare two days a week so I can have more time to write.”

What Do You Think Happens To All That Art Donated To Museums That Never Gets Seen?

“In virtually all cases, families with such heirlooms would be better off passing them on to family heirs or selling them. (Donate the cash to the museum and save a lot of trouble for everyone!) Many buyers would be thrilled to have the not-quite-museum-quality art on their living room walls. At least it would be seen.”