Your New Personalized Radio

“Users who log on to Slacker can begin listening to music from more than 10,000 stations that are built around specific artists and preprogrammed genres. Users also can create their own stations by indicating what types of songs they want and letting the Slacker “DJ” — a mostly automated system based on complicated algorithms — fill out the station program with more content.”

Re: Viacom’s $1 Billion Lawsuit

“What the courts may settle is this: Is copyright ownership enduring and inviolate, as old media companies believe? Or is it a more transitory function that technology is overrunning anyway, even as its weakening will ultimately be good for everyone? And doesn’t our mash-up era, in which compelling new works of art are created by combining perhaps less compelling old ones, prove the point that you can’t really own an intellectual idea, even if copyright law thinks you can?”

John Cage Trust Moves To Bard

The John Cage Trust is moving to Bard College. “The Trust, which oversees Cage’s works and performances, is to be called the John Cage Trust at Bard College effective as of its move in the spring. Previously, the Cage Trust had been housed in the Archive Building in the West Village in Manhattan; after 9/11 Kuhn and the Trust moved to Phoenix, Arizona.”