Police Raid Prominant Australian Art Dealer’s Gallery

Ronald Coles “reportedly sold artworks to investors for their personal retirement portfolios. Under Australian tax law, people who invest in art for superannuation purposes cannot keep the artworks with their personal assets. This meant that Mr Coles retained the works he sold to investors, and displayed them at galleries, social functions, sporting events and celebrity homes. Mr Coles also allegedly sold some paintings without investors’ knowledge or permission, and without passing on the proceeds.”

A Competition To Reinvent Stockholm

“The competition’s greatest value is as a measure of just how far many European governments have come in addressing failed urban policies of the past. The designs all seek to breathe new life into the dead zones created unwittingly by Modernist and postwar planners. Americans can only hope that such ingenuity will prod us toward a similar re-evaluation in the near future.”

When Times Get Tough, The Artists Get Going

“Tough times for arts organisations do not always mean tough times for artists. Times like these remind me that so much of what I find interesting in the arts is the product of the downside of the economic cycle. Smart artists, smart policy-makers and smart audiences should quickly realise that good cultural policy – like most forms of government policy – is a product of the economic cycle.”