There Is No Frigate Like A Book, Especially In Times Of Fear Of Immigrants And Refugees

Books are part of the resistance to any repressive regime. “How many times, and in ways that did not seem to require my consent, have I suddenly and in my own bed found myself to be Russian or French or Japanese? How many times have I been a peasant or an aristocrat? How many times have I been a woman? I have been free and without liberty, gay, disabled, old, loved and loathed.”

When Wagner Feuded With Brahms

The older composer essentially told Brahms that the younger composer would be nowhere without him. And, despite the many issues, “Wagner is so ingrained into our classical musical landscape … that it’s impossible to listen to him and not feel a deep sense of familiarity. For all of his snark towards Brahms for ‘making him what he was,’ be it direct or indirect, Wagner did kind of shape classical music in a world beyond Beethoven.”

Jack Gray, 89, Fought For The Rights Of Writers Of Screenplays

Jack Gray devoted most of his life to protecting the rights of freelance scriptwriters for film, radio and television in this country –a group he believed were the most vulnerable to exploitation in the creative industries. A talented playwright himself in his younger years, he gradually gave up imaginative writing in favour of reports, speeches and policy papers for the cause he passionately believed in.

Want To Maximize Box-Office Income? Make Your Ticket Pricing As Complicated As You Can Get Away With

“This doesn’t mean that prices shouldn’t be presented simply. Your pricing should be ‘swan-like’: serene on the surface, with all the paddling going on underneath to maximise the opportunity for income.” Consultant Tim Baker discusses applying the concept of “marginal gains” to ticket pricing.

‘It’s Not An Attack On The Arts, It’s An Attack On Communities’: Kennicott On The Trump Budget Cuts

“These cuts aren’t about cost savings – they’re far too small to make even a ding in the federal budget. They are carefully calculated attacks on communities, especially those that promote independent thinking and expression, or didn’t line up behind the Trump movement as it swept to power through the electoral college in November. But the president’s proposed budget also includes attacks on communities that did indeed support Trump but that are too powerless to resist.”

Dozens Of Theatres Lobby The Guardian To Reinstate Its Theatre Blog

“More than 40 UK theatres, including the National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Sheffield Theatres and the Royal Exchange, have signed a letter to The Guardian calling on it to reinstate Lyn Gardner’s theatre blogs. Gardner is currently contracted to write 150 blogs a year for The Guardian, however these will cease next month to cut costs.”