Enda Walsh On How He Ended Up Writing A Musical (That Would Be Once)

“We don’t do musicals in Ireland. Well, not much. We like to keep our actors and musicians separate at all times. In separate counties, even. There is possibly a musical theatre company hidden on Sherkin Island doing a production of Wicked right now, but they haven’t been found yet. And when they do find them, it will be a heavy dose of Samuel Beckett for those grinning fools.”

Filmmaking As 24/7 Brand

“We’ve all been turned into marketers and brands. . . . You’re basically running your mom-and-pop film business, but the name of that business is your name, and the idea is to build the brand. It’s very bizarre, and it’s certainly not anything we talked about in film school.”

Getting To Know London’s Pub Theatre Scene

“Since Shakespeare’s time, greasepaint-loving taverns across the city have adapted their spare rooms to host performances for patrons who like to catch a show or two without moving too far from their favorite bar taps. A permanent fringe movement, this eclectic pub-theater scene thrives, with Londoners and savvy visitors regularly squeezing into 50-seat studios for dramas, comedies, musicals and even operas.”