Russian Orthodox Creationists Picket Moscow’s Darwin Museum

“Footage released by Orthodox activist group Bozhaya Volya, or God’s Will, showed activists unfurling a banner reading ‘God created the world’ on the building’s façade while others threw leaflets bearing creationist slogans into the lobby of a popular destination for school trips and family outings in the capital. ‘God created kittens!’ read one leaflet visible in the video.”

How Can The Minnesota Orchestra Lockout Keep Dragging On Like This?

Frank Almond: “But what I find most amazing is that this is Minneapolis, a city with a supposedly literate, highly-educated, culturally aware populace, and an economy that (while not ideal) is certainly able to sustain (and has sustained) major cultural institutions for decades. … Could anyone have possibly imagined that the MOA Board and arts community would toss it away?”

Persepolis Barred (Messily) From Chicago Public School Classrooms

The school district’s administration sent out a memo asking that Marjane Satrapi’s award-winning graphic memoir be removed entirely from one middle school – and, predictably, anti-censorship protests ensued. The clarifications the district sent out in response, while backing away from any outright ban, may have made things worse.