Architects have a responsibility to design buildings that look good but last long. “Buildings ought to last. They are not supposed to fall apart. They have to be able to take whatever pounding their users deliver. Or they have to be so beautiful or dignified that they all but insist that people treat them well.” – Chicago Tribune


Musicians of  Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra have suffered an unprecedented number of injuries this season. So the orchestra will cut down on the performances it gives next year, in hope of reducing repetitive stress ailments. – CBC


Novelist Alain de Botton created a literary stir in 1997 with the release of his tongue-in-cheek philosophical musings in  “How Proust Can Change Your Life.” Readers praised his invention of “a new genre: part self-help, part ethics primer, and part confessional.” Now de Botton is back as host of a TV show in which guests are invited to share their personal problems – from broken hearts to road rage. Distilling 2,400 years of Western thought into an hour of advice, de Botton “seeks to show that Epicurus, Montaigne, and Schopenhauer have many sensible things to say to an anxious modern audience.” Good luck! – The Observer (UK)


Until it closed last month, the 84-year-old Universal Studios Research Library was the oldest and largest collection of its sort in Hollywood – a remarkable resource for screenwriters, producers, art directors and set designers who relied on its books, magazines and indexed images to give their projects factual and atmospheric credibility. Now the library has been closed to save money, and its users worry about the fate of its collections. – San Francisco Chronicle 03/19/00