Why Picasso Was Obsessed With Rembrandt

“Constantly measuring himself for admission to the pantheon, Picasso evidently felt that taking down the masters also meant taking them on, and in his time he had mixed it up with, among others, Grünewald, Poussin, Cranach, Velázquez, Goya, and El Greco. At the end, though, it was Rembrandt of whom, according to his friend and biographer Pierre Cabanne, he spoke ceaselessly.”

Roof Collapses At Alberta Museum

If Monday morning had gone as planned, the Prairie Art Gallery would have been “filled with visitors, staff and a pre-school class filled with 20 children. But early in the morning, curator Robert Steven noticed one of the central roof beams had cracked and water was trickling into the south end of the building. … It was moments after city workers left the building after checking out what was going on that a third of the roof sagged and smashed to the floor.”

Some Colleges Eliminate Student Loans

Afraid that the high cost of college and crushing debt of school loans, “many colleges are rethinking their aid and loan policies. Just last week, Hamilton College, for example, announced that it was eliminating all merit scholarships and shifting the funds to need-based aid. Among the reasons Hamilton cited was a belief that demographics in the years ahead would require greater support for need-based financial aid.”

Is Reading Overrated?

“An all too predictable moralism surrounds the reading of books. There is a prescribed way of reading: one page at a time, starting from the front of the book to the back, paying close attention to every single page in order, no skipping around. But the reality is that most of us graze — read a bit, put the book down, start up again.”