The Magic Of Ma

“From the career perspective, Yo-Yo Ma has done it all. He is one of the handful of virtuoso musicians who can call his own shots and one of the rare Midas-touch classical-recording artists, with over 50 titles on his label, Sony, and 15 Grammys. Last year he received a $1-million Dan David Prize for his work on the Silk Road. Virtually every performance sells out. He garners fees that can top $75,000 a night…”

Cost Of Free Music? About $50/Year

An economist figures out the cost of “free: music.” “He said that $50 per year from every person who listens to music would “meet or exceed the current over the counter sales of the music industry at a far lower cost,” but that because of deeply-entrenched flaws in the outmoded business models used by the labels that have evolved over the years, we’re unlikely ever to see such a system put in place — despite the fact that it would increase profits while allowing people far greater access to music.”

WNYC And PRI To Compete With NPR’s “Morning Edition”

It will be a new morning news magazine. “Also participating in the not-yet-named program are the BBC World Service, New York Times Radio and WGBH, the Boston public radio station. BBC correspondents and reporters and critics for The New York Times are to provide on-air reports for the live news program and take part in what is expected to be its more informal, conversational format.”