SoCal To Get New Summer Theatre Fest

“In an attempt to create in Southern California the bucolic summer theater atmosphere that has spelled success for Massachusetts’ Williamstown festival and others, Ventura’s Rubicon Theatre is announcing ambitious plans for an annual 10-day International Theatre Festival to launch its first season in the theater’s seaside hometown in July 2009.”

Met’s Tristan May Be Cursed

“The Metropolitan Opera’s revival of Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde cannot make it through a performance without turmoil. For the second straight performance, the opera was interrupted in mid-act [when] the part of the raked set Gary Lehman was stretched out on came loose… and the tenor slid into the prompter’s box.”

Record Price For Japanese Art Shattered

“A newly discovered wooden sculpture of a Buddha that had religious objects sealed in its torso for 800 years sold for $14.3 million, setting a world record for any Japanese work of art.” The winning bidder was a Japanese department store, and the sale price was more than seven times the highest pre-sale estimate.

Does Toronto Need More Museum Space?

Summer is traditionally a time when museums mount those inescapable blockbuster exhibits designed to draw in the maximum possible number of ticketbuyers. But in Toronto this summer, things will be relatively quiet. “One inconvenient truth about Toronto as a city with an appetite for big art shows is that apart from the AGO and the ROM, we have nowhere to put them.”