Why It Puts People Off When Politicians Cry

“While ‘turning on the faucets’ may humanize a politician, there still seems to be a lingering threat behind such outbursts. Perhaps we prefer it as a performance more than as a real display of feelings – cynically planned outpourings rather than spontaneous displays of emotion. There is, after all, something at stake for us in these moments: we have something to fear in a politician’s tears. But what?”

How Do You Dance When We’re Running Out Of Time?

“The first dance, focused on water conservation, will be performed by our junior company, who will make their own costumes out of recycled materials. The audience will visit a second site under a tree and our company dancers will give them a vision of what life might look like without water, using imagery of dehydration, cracked earth and disappearing plants.”

Turkey Has Gotten So Terrifying For Journalists That Diplomats Had To Escort This One To The Airport As He Fled

“When I moved to Turkey three years ago — full of curiosity and interest — I could never have imagined that I would be forced to leave the country in such a fashion. Prior to my posting in Istanbul, I had reported for Der Spiegel and Spiegel Online from Pakistan. We thought Istanbul would be quieter than Islamabad, without the terrorism and with greater press freedoms. How wrong we were.”