Watching Slacker 20 Years On

“The early ’90s depicted in Slacker feel closer to our current epoch – the recession-tainted youth aimlessly wandering the streets, emailing their resumes into the void. But watching the film today, one can’t help but feel a certain if they only knew forbearance for the naively innocent radicalism of the time – the way they compared George H. W. Bush to Hitler, they way they casually drop slogans like ‘Remember, terrorism is the surgical strike capability of the oppressed!'”

Shakespeare From The World’s Newest Nation

“Their country is less than nine months old and still coping with the aftermath of decades of war, widespread poverty and an education system badly in need of repair, with around 80% of the population illiterate. But a theatre company from South Sudan wants to show a different side of the country when it participates in the World Shakespeare festival at the Globe theatre in London.”

Kevin Costner Versus The Sculptor

Costner is battling Peggy Detmers, an artist who was commissioned by the Hollywood star to create 17 bronze sculptures depicting buffalo and Native Americans. The sculptures were originally intended to be displayed at Costner’s planned South Dakota resort called the Dunbar, named after his character in the Oscar-winning 1990 movie “Dances With Wolves.”