Battle Over The Bolshoi: Is The Kremlin Favoring The Insurgent?

Nikolai Tsiskaridze, the popular principal dancer who has been loudly campaigning against Bolshoi general director Anatoly Iksanov and ballet artistic director/acid attack victim Sergei Filin, appeared last weekend “on state-controlled NTV television, a channel that the Kremlin has used to attack its opponents or those who have fallen out of favor.”

Walker Art Center’s Film Interns Resign, Charging ‘Callous Negligence’

“In a move designed to protest staff and program cuts in Walker Art Center’s film and video division, the department’s three interns resigned Wednesday afternoon … accusing the museum’s management of ‘general disrespect towards a longstanding, talented, and loyal staff’ and ‘callous negligence’ that ‘was felt with particular sting in the Film/Video department’.”