No, Pay-As-You-Go Cable Won’t Lower Your TV Bill

“The big misunderstanding about the current system is that we are somehow paying through our cable bills the actual per-channel cost for all the channels we don’t watch. Broadcasting distributors are really selling us access; the bigger the bill, the more choice is offered. Complaining about unwatched channels is a bit like complaining about the fancy elliptical machine at the health club. You may never use it, but somebody else does and their fees are helping pay for your treadmill.”

Director Peter Sellars On Art, The Audience, And Controversy

“For me, the art that’s made with the audience in mind is so numbing and insulting and demeaning – because it’s assuming that I don’t have a really interesting and complicated life, and somebody knows what I think. And nobody knows what I think because I’m still wrestling with what I think most days, so I hate it when somebody tells me what I think.”