Last Week One Of Paris’s Top Orchestras Played To An Empty Hall

When Radio France – in the middle of strikes, layoffs, financial troubles and general chaos – abruptly cancelled the Friday evening concert of the Orchestre philharmonique de Radio-France, they didn’t consult the musicians or conductor Myung-Whun Chung first. In protest, the furious orchestra went right over to the new Philharmonie de Paris (conveniently available that evening) and played its program to banks of empty seats – making headlines in the process. (in French)

Whatever Happened To Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, It Doesn’t Mean Dance Is In Danger

“But even with no conclusive sign that Cedar Lake’s issue is one of funding, the dance community is positioned to jump on the ‘arts is dying’ bandwagon immediately. … Why do we chalk this up to just another financial failure? Perhaps because as a dance venture, we are used to being on a respirator, scraping by season to season.”