Why Music Ought To Percolate Up, Not Trickle Down

John Mellencamp: “Now that the carnage in this industry is so deep you can hardly wade through it, it’s open season for criticizing artists, present company included, for making a misstep or trying to create new opportunities to reach an audience…. If we have any hope for survival of the music that we all love, compassion must replace name-calling, fairness must replace greed and we need to come together as a musical community and try to understand each other’s problems.”

New Jersey Arts Groups Warn Of Doom If State Makes Big Arts Funding Cuts

“Adding to the storm of financial problems, New Jersey’s arts, history, and tourism industries now face a state funding reduction of up to 25 percent in the budget proposed by Gov. Corzine this month. Arts officials say the decrease – about $9 million, if approved by lawmakers – might close some organizations and cut operations at others.”

Pressure Increases On Philadelphia Orchestra To Name Music Director

“The search is at a frightening moment, not because there are no prospects, but because time and time again in the last two decades, the orchestra has failed to cultivate meaningful, long-term relationships with guest conductors. The one long-term connection it has is with Simon Rattle, whose agent has signaled a strong no. All the other promising leads – except one – have been here only once and are scheduled for a single visit next season.”