Hollywood Tries To Get Its Bollywood Groove

“While the triumph of “Slumdog Millionaire,” which captured eight Oscars and has taken in nearly $250 million globally so far, has given Hindi cinema a new cachet, the Hollywood studios have been enamored of the market for a decade. But even as talent and money cross borders, the studios are finding out that negotiating the distance between Burbank and Bollywood is trickier than expected.”

Hollywood Plays The International Card

“As film industries in China, Russia, Japan and India have grown exponentially, particularly when it comes to homegrown fare, United States studios have taken the phrase “Think globally, act locally” to heart. Nearly every studio has set up an international operation for producing and distributing original movies made in local languages.”

Are Britain’s Libraries In Danger?

“A lot is happening in the world of libraries right now, and while some of it is good, a lot of it is very bad. Marvellous ritzy new libraries will soon open in Newcastle and, eventually, in Birmingham, and marvellous ritzy new libraries have already opened in Whitechapel and Brighton. So, money is being spent on buildings. Meanwhile other libraries – small, much-loved local libraries – are closing.”