Phoenix Symphony – Lawsuits And Unrest

“The Phoenix Symphony is facing serious legal challenges arising from its alleged mistreatment of many of its most talented musicians. These legal challenges involve lawsuits, complaints to federal agencies, charges of wrongful termination, allegations of retaliation, and the charge that the symphony’s top, veteran players are being forced to take demotions or leave the symphony so they can be replaced with younger, more compliant players.”

Paintings For Heroin: Addict Stole Art From Yale, Cops Say

According to police, a 53-year-old heroin addict “ripped off 39 paintings from New Haven venues, including $40,000 in art from Yale’s Slifka Center and the New Haven Free Public Library. The paintings were recovered during a weekend bust on a Hill area home, where a second man, age 47, had been allegedly accepting the art in exchange for bags of heroin.” A detective said: “These were not hardened criminals. They have drug habits.”

Liverpool Aims To Maintain Its Cultural Momentum

“A programme of more than 100 free events are to be held in Liverpool to build on the success of its year as European Capital of Culture. The 2009 plans include the On The Waterfront festival to reflect the city’s connection to New York and a public art event in the winter. … The 2008 culture year is estimated to have generated about £800m for the regional economy.”

Why Is What Women Want A Mystery To Hollywood?

“In a marketing culture so perfectly calibrated that experts can predict what’s in our fridge by the car we drive, why is it that what women want in a movie is still considered mysterious? We clearly aren’t unreadable consumers (Seriously. They know what milk you buy), so it’s odd that every woman I know has a movie appetite that includes more than ‘chick flicks’ (though we love those too), when for years nobody seemed to know it.”