A Solo Theater Piece About The Israel-Palestine Conflict – By Arafat’s Own Foster Daughter

After Raeda Taha’s father was killed while hijacking a passenger plane in 1972, she was, in effect, adopted by Yasir Arafat and later worked as his press secretary. In Where Can I Find Someone Like You, Ali, Taha looks at the human costs of the conflict, especially those that Palestinians like her father exact on their families.

Amazon.com To Be London’s Theatre Ticket-Seller

A spokesman for Amazon said that, up until this week, the retailer’s theatre ticket offering had been based around “deals” and discounted tickets. “Although that will still be the case for some shows, this is a move to being a genuine ticketer. We are moving away from deals to offering the full range of ticket prices, from bottom to full price.”

Peter Zumthor’s Plan For LACMA Has Been Thoroughly Changed (No More Blob!)

“Once a free-flowing, biomorphic design inspired by the La Brea Tar Pits and the work of the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, the design has become noticeably more angular and muscular in recent weeks.” Says LACMA director Michael Govan, “No one will call it a blob anymore. Peter hasn’t given up the curve. But he’s really, really reined it in.”

How “Pretty Woman” Revived Romantic Comedies

“[The film], released 25 years ago today, remains one of the most popular movies, and also the highest-grossing romantic comedy, of all time. It revived the languishing career of Richard Gere; it catapulted Julia Roberts to mega-stardom. … It is also, along with When Harry Met Sally, generally credited with reviving the romantic comedy as a genre.

Cabaret Full Of Immigrants, Breastfeeding Moms, Godless Left-Wingers, Gypsies And A Gay Donkey Hits Local Pub Of Britain’s Top Radical-Right Politician

Nigel Farage is leader of the UK Independence Party, a nationalist group that wants to curb immigration and take Britain out of the EU. Dan Glass took his Beyond UKIP cabaret to Farage’s hometown and briefly confronted him on the street – and it hit the news. Here’s a report from the one journalist who was there.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 03.23.15

Dynamic pricing and market segmentation at the theatre (and the hospital)
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Keep Talking About What Art Means
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Crystal Bridges Reshuffles PostWar Galleries With 2014 Acquisitions
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Spike Wilner On Playing For Listeners
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An Arts Advocacy Conversation in Lynchburg, VA
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An Arts Advocacy Conversation in Thayer, MO
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An Arts Advocacy Day Conversation in Hartford, CT
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An Arts Advocacy Conversation in Salt Lake City, UT
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