Top Posts From AJBlogs 03.23.17

I know you won’t judge me
This Arts Advocacy Day, the stakes are much higher. As we work to make the case for the arts, we wonder, is our data keeping pace? We’re using love (or breakup) letters as a creative and fun design research method to get powerful insight into the perceptions of our stakeholders. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2017-03-23

Flyover country? Nonsense in jazz, politics, crime fiction
There’s no such thing as “flyover country” — except in the minds of careless or ignorant people who ought to know better. For instance: Jazz lives throughout the US and the world, not only in New York. … read more
AJBlog: Jazz Beyond Jazz Published 2017-03-23

Ice cream and coffee
Quite a lively discussion in class this week, about how conservatories could change. One quick takeaway: That the Juilliard graduate students in my class would love to go to a school where the focus was … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2017-03-23


Argument: Kill The NEA To Help Art And Artists

“Our cultural bureaucracies, from the NEA down to the local organizations and institutions it supports, are the great enemy of American art, distorting tastes, careers, and patronage. They are a major factor in the malinvestment that has employment in cultural institutions growing significantly more quickly than that of the overall labor force. I am sure the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is terrific — but 400 employees Eliminating the NEA is not a program for punishing artists but for liberating them — from bureaucracy, from mediocrity, and, above all, from subservience to politics.”

Royal Ballet Choreographer Publicly Insults Dancers Over Bad Reviews

The London critics were not fond of David Dawson’s The Human Seasons, onstage at Covent Garden as part of a triple bill. In the comment section for one particularly harsh review, Dawson’s assistant choreographer, Tim Couchman, left a rant blaming the poor quality of the performance on the dancers, insulting their professionalism, skill, work ethic, attitude and egos. The Royal Ballet is not happy.