Why Arts Orgs’ Boycott Of Sackler Money Makes A Difference

Philip Kennicott: “What matters is that sometimes lightning strikes, and there is hell to pay, and suddenly a name is blackened forever. That kind of justice may be terrifying and swift and inconsistent, but it sends a blunt message: When the world finally learns that what you have done is loathsome, it may not be possible to undo the damage through the miraculous scrubbing power of cultural detergent.” – The Washington Post

Are We Now To Subject Every Major Arts Donor To A Moral Purity Test?

Mark Lawson: “What would count as an acceptable way of having become rich enough to have some spare to dish out to the arts? Sponsorship by BP and Nestlé has been questioned because of environmental or ethical concerns about the nature of the patrons’ business. Airlines, which have consistently been generous to the arts, are now on the wrong side of history, as, in a post-crash era queasy about capitalism, are most makers of money. … And if the funding of buildings and exhibitions is subject to ethical scrutiny, then why not their content as well?” – The Guardian

Please Stop Harassing Writers While They’re Working

And in specific, stop harassing Asian Americans authors. Listen to author R.O. Kwon (The Incendiaries) discuss her experiences at literary events: “Aside from the colorist comments about my skin, some of these words — adorable, cute, silky, shiny — could be taken, incorrectly, as compliments. I acknowledge that there’s luck, and privilege, in inhabiting a body that others might find appealing. But when I’m at these events, I am at work. I am talking about my profession, not about my hair or skin or any perceived cuteness.” – The New York Times

In The WGA Versus The Talent Agencies, Showrunners And Screenwriters Back Their Union

The issues concern who gets fees for packaging TV shows and movies (the agents get those fees now), and whether agencies have conflicts of interest around certain shows. But the point is that “the letter of support issued Saturday is significant because of the immense clout showrunners and prominent screenwriters possess in Hollywood.” – Variety

Many American Film Critics Missed This, But ‘Suspiria’ Is About The Guilt At The Heart Of German History

The more German history you know – no, not only about the Nazis, but yes also about the Nazis – the more you’ll understand how very, very much cultural work this movie is doing. The movie “explores the trauma of our world by embedding [a] fable in a historical past which holds terrifying prospects for our future.” – Medium