What Reading Means To Humans

“Reading changed history. More than that, it changes the brain. It creates new pathways in the brain, and, by doing this, makes us think in new ways. When you read, you see letters written on a page, then you recognise them as representations of sounds made by the human voice, then you join the sounds together to make words, then you fit the words together into sentences. This takes an amazing amount of ultra-fast processing. Brains that do this are different from brains that don’t.”

Development Changes The Equation Of Filming In Downtown LA

“For decades, filmmakers have depended on downtown’s rail yards, brownstones and beaux arts facades to depict urban anywhere. In the process, they have grown used to operating with few restrictions in the long-neglected urban core. In all, there are an average of 23 downtown location shoots each day.” But the filming is bumping up against growing development of downtown.