Shortcuts To Your Own TV Show

“For comedians who aspire to break into television, it’s no longer necessary to spend years cracking one-liners at stand-up clubs in hopes of landing an HBO special or a sidekick role on a network sitcom. With clever material, an act that mixes live skits and multimedia, and, especially, some savvy use of the Internet, members of a young comedy troupe can suddenly find themselves starring in their own cable series.”

The Computer Pit Orchestra Near You

New computers are increasingly replacing many of the live musicians in pit orchestras”These products are cheaper and more compact than human musicians. They do not get sick or have bad nights. And after years of gradual improvements, their sound is now good enough to fool many nonexperts, especially since they are almost always used, as recommended, alongside traditional instruments.”

LA As A New Art Capital

“Two decades after Los Angeles emerged as the nation’s second art capital, the city is reaping the benefits of a migration of artists, galleries, dealers and curators. In recent years more than two artists have moved to this city for every one that moved away, a net rate of gain that is higher than in any metropolitan area in the country. In the process new centers of gravity have emerged for contemporary art and artists in a city that has suffered for years because of its lack of a central arts district.”

Scholar Vs. James Joyce Estate – The Right To Quote

A California researcher has settled a dispute with he James Joyce estate over quoting from the author’s work. The case has been closely watched by intellectual property advocates and the world of academia. “I fought not just for Lucia and Joyce, whose words had to be taken out of my book, but for the freedom to consider what happened to them and for the freedom of others to respond to my ideas.”