Teaching Evolution To Students Who Tell Me They’ll Pray For My Soul

James J. Krupa, biology professor at the University of Kentucky: “Where I live, many believe evolution to be synonymous with atheism, and there are those who strongly feel I am teaching heresy to thousands of students. A local pastor, whom I’ve never met, wrote an article in the University Christian complaining that, not only was I teaching evolution and ignoring creationism, I was teaching it as a non-Christian, alternative religion.”

Jeffrey Deitch Says He Was Persecuted At L.A. MOCA, Just Like Klaus Biesenbach Is Now At MOMA

“‘Some of you may have read the diatribes against one of my favorite colleagues Klaus Biesenbach raging today,” he said … “[It] reminds me of the diatribes that went on against me when I was at MOCA. … So with Klaus, it’s Bjork; with me, it was James Franco, unfortunately.’ This generated much laughter from the audience.” (Deitch also says he wish he’d presented the Björk show.)

People Won’t Listen To Scientists ABout Climate Change? Fine, Then Let’s Dance Them To Undertsanding

“Scientists today believe that such critical information must be disseminated and quickly acted upon to avoid catastrophe. But that is not happening, as indicated by the ‘much talk, little action’ status of climate change. The central need is clearly not for more natural science research (although in many areas it would be very helpful). Rather, the social sciences and humanities need to be reorganized and refocused — ‘rebooted’ — to provide better understanding of human behaviors and how they can be altered.”

On YouTube: A Battle Over Fair Use And Superfans

“If you’re video maker who’s had a video flagged and you want to dispute it, the process is Kafkaesque. The copyright holder alone decides the outcome: It can uphold its claim. It can agree that your video does not infringe its copyright. Or it can do nothing at all for 30 days, during which time all advertising is suspended. Most likely, your video eventually is returned to you—but by that point, the damage is done.”

How Irish Step Dancing Left Irish Ethnicity Behind

“When it was whites who made up the majority of U.S. immigrants, it really mattered if you were Irish, Italian, or some other white ethnicity. … Once the distinctions no longer mattered and the stigma of being Irish had faded, then Irish dance could be something anyone did and others would want to do. And, so, now anyone does. The three-time winner of the All-Ireland Dancing Championship in Dublin is a biracial, black, Jewish kid from Ohio.”